E for excited and exam week

Excited and exam week, definitely not two things you often mention in one sentence.

I’ll start with the horrible, my exam week. It’ll start tomorrow with my dutch exam, where I’ll have to write an essay about literature. We got a very small part of the exam today so we could prepare and everybody is just stressing out. I feel like I’ve prepared sufficiently, but it’s still scary because it’s the first exam of my exam week and I’ve never had an exam like this.
I’m nervous for this upcoming week. You might know that I was on holiday last week and I didn’t learn at all, so now I’m in a lot of trouble. However, I’ll just try and learn the best I can do and you know what, it might be allright in the end!

NOW, on to the happy and very excited part. My aunt is getting married! This is the first time since I was 4 that someone in my family is getting married, so this is incredible for me. She isn’t really going to have a wedding, but there will be a dinner and really I’m just very happy for her. She was married before, but then her husband died, so after years of not datinng anybody she found someone again.

This is how excited and exam week happened together.

Have a nice day!

4 thoughts on “E for excited and exam week

  1. haha I was a bit confused when I read the title. Actually it is quite clever to confuse the reader by the title at it makes it interesting to read (I have to analyze to unseen texts for my German exam so at the moment I am analyzing everything- don’t ask).

    GOOD LUCK!!!!! You can do it 😀

    Sounds awesome that your aunt is happy again. See even in exam week there is something good!

    Liked by 1 person

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