Early update, because no wifi…

This will be another update on what’s to come. I’ll be posting this really early in the morning, because I won’t have wifi tomorrow to post this, because I’ll spend a lot of time travelling to a boat and then being on that boat. Ugh.

However, today is he last day of february and I thought it’d be fun to do something a bit different in march. I’ll be doing the A-Z challenge. I’ll make a post about something starting with the letters of the alphabet. So tomorrow I’ll start with A and then the day after that I’ll do something with a B, and so on. I think it’ll be a lot of fun and it’s going to force me to be a bit more creative and I won’t write such random posts any more.

Also I want to just thank all 14! people who are following me. I’d never expected this and it’s truly amazing!

Have a nice day!

My top 3 best holidays!

As my holiday ends tomorrow, I just wanted to talk about my favourite holidays for a bit. I’ll give you my top three best holidays.

1. I’d have to go with my school trip to Rome. Rome is just such a beautiful city and I’d learned all these things about it in school so it was amazing to see it in real life. Some statues, like Apollo and Daphne looked very close to real and I still have chills thinking about it. I was only in Rome for five days, but I’ve seen so much and it was definitely my favourite holiday. -our teachers kept tying to make us believe that we were there for school and that it wasn’t officially a holiday, hahaha-

2. London has to be second. I went there during the summer holiday. I went there for five days wih four of my best friends and I loved it. It was so much fun with my friends and I’d been wanting to go there for so long. London is just lovely, I finally saw the big ben and the london eye and 221b Baker Street! From the outside only though because he queue was very, very long. This wasn’t all though, I also went to see a musical and I went to a great exhihition about how technology has developed over the years.

3. Choosing the third place is difficult. I’ve had some great holidays in Belgium, but also an amazing one in Portugal. And also my current holiday is pretty great. I’d have to go with my holiday to Belgium to a small place in the Ardens. I’ve been there twice but the first time was probably my favourite out of the two. I went there wih my parents and brother and we stayed at a holiday park. There we could do rock climbing and rafting and other such outdoor activities. These are things I absolutely love to do! Also the surroundings from where we stayed were amazing and just really beautiful. And my brother and I met some great people there!

What are some of your favourite holidays?

Have a nice day!

Edinburgh is just a little too big

Today I arrived in Edinburgh. I’ve been really excited to come here, because it’s the first time that I’d visit Scotland.
I kind of had this image in my head of what Edinburgh would be like. I sort of knew that it’d be relatively large compared to York, but I thought that it would be quiet and calm. That wasn’t the case though. It’s a lott less busy than Amsterdam, but it’s not as quiet as I expected it to be. So I’m a little bit disappointed.

However, the city is beautiful. All the buildings look amazing and I’m so very excited to visit the old castle tomorrow. Tomorrow I’ll also visit the university and I’m really not sure what to expect, but I’m vey much looking forward to it.

Arriving here today has made me realise that a big city just isn’t for me at this point in my life. I want to live in a nice small and cosy city. I’m quite happy that I’m finally sure about this, because I think it’ll make chosing a university a little bit easier.

Have a nice day!

No inspiration which has resulted in random parts

So the last few post have been about what’s happening in my life at the moment, so I really wanted to make a more general post. However, my mind is totally blank. I’ve thought of a few things but there was nothing that jumped out to me.

In the end, I decided to just split this post in to two parts.

Part 1, privacy, there has been said so much on this subject. I like my privacy, but maybe not in the way you’re thinking about it. I like to have my own space, my own room where I can have everything I want and where I can just sit and relax.
Something that doesn’t bother me though is for example street camera’s. It makes places safer, so really I don’t care about the fact that people see me shopping. Also I’m fine with people seeing my browser history. I don’t have anything to hide and again if it’ll help even catch one criminal than it’s fine by me.

Part 2, living with your parents. I’ve been thinking a lot about this the last few days,  because I’ll probably be moving out in about half a year. I’m really excited because I need my freedom. I need to be able to decide the little things in my life, like what to have for dinner and when to have dinner. I really want to have some more control of my life.
I sometimes find it hard to understand people who don’t have the urge to live on themselves. I get the fact that it’s easy and cheap to live wih your parents, but don’t you have that fire in your belly to explore?

Well that’s it. Sorry for the random post, I’ll try and come up wih something more interesting the next couple of days.

Have a nice day!

The university of York!

Today I finally got to visit the university of York! I’d been looking forward to this for the last couple of weeks and I’d been nervous but very excited and today I was finally there!

I loved it! I didn’t see very much of the campus but from what I saw it was really nice. There was a lot of greenery and the whole thing was like a small village. It was just perfect for me, because I wanted there to be this close community and that’s really what it was.
Also, the chemistry department was amazing! Last year there were new laboratories built so everything still looked new and fresh. There was also a crazy weird purple couch, and really what else does there need to be said.

I had the opportunity to talk to some of the current students and they were very lovely and they were definitely the kind people I’d like to hang out with. This made me feel so much more at ease with my decision to study here.

York is very likely going to be the university I’ll go to next year. Both the university and the city are just perfect for me!

Have a nice day!

A sucky travel experience to the lovely York

I’ve arrived in York today!
I must say that I’m very relieved to finally be here. I went here by boat, where I was on for 17 hours, 17! It was pretty horrible, because I get seasick even when the boat is almost completely still, but there was a storm! It was slightly funny because everybody looked drunk while walking, but that was all there was to laugh about. My parents and I were all sick and the only way we felt slightly less sick was by laying down. So then we tried to sleep at 7pm, which didn’t work. In the end I fell asleep but it wasn’t great.
However today, after we had waited for more than an hour for border control, we drove to York! We walked around for a bit and we drank some tea in really nice cafes. It’s so amazing here. The city is really pretty and cute.


Tomorrow I’ll visit the university and I can’t wait!

Have a nice day!

YAY! Holiday!

YAAAAY! I’ve got a holiday for a week, so no school! Also I’ll leave for the UK in about an hour.

I said in my first post that I might not keep living in the Netherlands, well this is because I applied to universities in the UK. I’ve applied to five and so far I’ve heard back from four, and I’ve been accepted to all of them! YAY! I’m so incredibly happy and proud of myself for that. So this week I’ll be visiting two of them, the University of York and the University of Edinburgh -Edinburgh is the one I haven’t heard back from yet, but still going to visit, because I wouldn’t have to pay tuition fees if I study in Scotland.- However York is probably my favourite right now, so I’m very nervous, but really excited to go there.

I really hope that I’ll love York, because I’m not sure what to do if I don’t… But I think that I’ll probably like it a lot! I’m nervous though, because I’ll have to have an informal interview and I’m worried that I won’t say the right words in English and that my grammar will suck.
However the rest of the day there seems amazing. I’ll have a tour of the department and the colleges and I’ll have a workshop about chirality, which is one of my favorite parts of chemistry. YAY!

I’m sorry for all the YAY’s but I can’t wait to see the place where I’ll probably spend the next four years of my life!

Btw, if everything goes according to plan then I’ll have wifi the next week, but if something goes wrong and I don’t then sorry… Then I’ll write the posts and post them when I’m back from my holiday.

Have a nice day!

Be enthusiastic!

Today, I thought about something John Green -bestselling author, famous youtuber and so much more- said once.

You know why I don’t like haters? Because I like people who are really enthusiastic about stuff, and not about hating. But about, like, liking stuff. I think that it’s fun to be enthusiastic about liking stuff. It’s less fun and productive to just be sort of in the business of hating stuff.

I love this quote, because I feel the same way. I feel like being enthusiastic is nowadays seen as not ‘cool’. People find you weird and I’m really quite angry that this even exists. Why aren’t people allowed to be really enthusiastic about stuff?

Whenever I like a thing I just want to let everyone know how amazing it is, but so many people just find you weird when you do that. Not my close friends though I must say. I just want everybody to allow people to be happy and enthusiastic about whatever they want to. Society needs to start finding that ‘cool’.

Do what you love most, spend your time doing the things you like and follow your dreams!

Have a nice day!

Communication in my family, not that great

First of all, I just want to apologise for making such a quick and not well thought-out post yesterday. I wasn’t even busy, but I just hadn’t realised it was already almost midnight.

Today, I want to talk about my relationship with my parents for a bit. I know that lots of children have a challenging relationship with their parents and so do I.
I’ve got one older brother, who also still lives at home and as a family we’re not that great.
Probably the thing I struggle most with is that there is almost no communication. I find it very hard to tell my parents anything about my life, because I feel like they’ll make fun of me or that they’ll be angry. However, it’s not that I just don’t tell them things, it’s also that they don’t really ask me about my life. There is the usual ‘How was school today?’ but really that’s where it ends. Which just sucks.

We, as a family, eat dinner together most days of the week. Sometimes, we talk about things, interesting things, things that are of importance at that moment. However, most of the time, we eat in silence or if my parents have played golf, how it went. That’s it, that’s all we talk about. So we just eat very quick and we can be done with dinner within twenty minutes.

I have had dinner at my best friend’s house multiple times and it’s always so lovely to be there. They always have something to talk about and they tell each other stuff. They tell each other about their problems. They all seem so connected and that just makes me really happy, though sad at times, because I wished my family was a bit more like them.

I think that the reason that my family doesn’t communicate very well is also because we spend a lot of our time not together. The only thing we do together is eat. The rest of the time I’m in my room, my brother is in his and my parents are downstairs. It has been like this for years, and it won’t change. I’ll go off to university next year, so it’ll be interesting to see what’s going to happen then, but I think that it might be for the better.

Have a nice day!


Haha, I’ve totally forgotten that I hadn’t written a post today. And well.. it’s ten to twelve right now, so I’ll just have to type really fast.

I’ll give you a quick summary of my week at school. I had two exams this week, well sort of three, because the computer science one has two parts.
I had the first part of computer science Tuesday and it was extremely difficult and I’m pretty sure no one actually understood any of it, so that was great… Tomorrow, I’ve got the second part and it’s the part that I find the easier one of the two, so I’m hoping that it’s going to be all right. But really it doesn’t matter, because I’ll probably retake the exam.

Also, I had an English literature exam today, which I didn’t prepare for well on Wednesday, but today at school I learned really hard and it actually went quite well. There was this one question though about something that we didn’t have to learn, so I’m a bit confused, but I’ll see what happens. It was also actually quite interesting to learn, because it was about Shakespeare’s play Richard III and also about Chaucer’s Canterbury tales. They both have fascinating stories, so that was fun. The non-fun part was where we had to learn all kinds of dates, but in the end I think my grade will be fine. Yay!

Have a nice day!